개정 TEPS 점수해석 및 사용에 대한 타당도 논증
Published Online: Nov 01, 2019
Validity is an evaluative judgment of the appropriateness of evidence supporting test score interpretation and use (Messick, 1989). As a first step toward arguing for the validity of TEPS score interpretation and use, this paper presents an interpretation/use argument (IUA) for the revised TEPS, following Kane’s argument-based approach to validation (Kane, 2013). The IUA for the revised TEPS outlines seven inferences—domain definition, evaluation, generalization, explanation, extrapolation, utilization, and consequence implication—with a warrant and one or more assumptions underlying each inference. Backing or evidence that is needed to support each assumption is also stated in the IUA. As a second step, a validity argument for the revised TEPS is made by describing the backing that has already been collected while pointing out the backing that is still needed. The paper concludes with further research that needs to be conducted to support the validity argument more fully.