Author Guidelines
Title page
Title Page (doc) Title Page (hwp)Manuscript
Manuscript (English, doc) Manuscript (English, hwp) Manuscript (Korean, doc) Manuscript (Korean, hwp)Regulations for manuscript contributors to Language Research
1. (Introduction)
Language Research is a peer-reviewed academic journal which covers research on both theoretical and practical aspects of linguistics and language education. In addition to research reports, theoretical reviews and keynote articles will be considered for publication. A submitted manuscript shall be produced as a result of original research and shall never have been published in Korean or foreign publications.
2. (Submission deadlines and publication dates)
Language Research is published three times a year. The publishment dates and submission deadlines are as follows:
Language | Submission Deadlines | Publication Dates | |
1st Issue | English/Korean | 28 February | 30 April |
2nd Issue | English | 30 June | 31 August |
3rd Issue | English/Korean | 31 October | 31 December |
3. (Language)
Submitted manuscripts shall be written in English or Korean, but only English manuscripts are accepted for the 2nd issue. All the Korea data in the English paper should be romanized according to the Yale system.
4. (Publication fee)
A publication fee per manuscript, which is 100,000 won (or USD 100) up to 20 pages, shall be paid. If the manuscript is longer than 20 pages, an additional 20,000 won (or USD 20) shall be paid per page. However, for a manuscript with a funding acknowledgment, an additional 200,000 won (or USD 200) shall be paid.
(* Account number: 301-0095-2490-11, Account holder: Language Education Institute, Seoul National University)
(* Bank: Nonghyup Bank (Address: 120, Tongil-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea, Swift code: NACFKRSE))
5. (Paper submission)
The submission shall be made by logging in to the Online Manuscript Submission System ( The submitter shall confirm all items in the Author Checklist, including the item regarding compliance with research ethics guidelines, and enter or select appropriate information according to the format of each screen. When submitting a manuscript, the submitter needs to enter the title, abstract, and keywords in the Title and Abstract screen in English, in addition to submitting the manuscript. The submitter shall enter the real names, affiliations, and positions of all authors in the Author screen. The manuscript shall be formatted according to the format of this journal and uploaded after deleting all author information. The manuscript shall not be submitted in a non-editable format such as PDF. The manuscript shall be prepared using HWP or MS Word. However, a PDF file shall be submitted when requested by the editorial board in order to prevent errors from occurring due to differences in the editing environment.
6. (Preparation of manuscript)
Manuscripts shall be prepared using HWP or MS-Word. Authors are strongly advised to use a standard format file on the journal home page (
- • The editorial board may request separate image files. If signs that are not typically used are used in a manuscript, notify the editorial board to this effect and submit the font file along with the manuscript. If a special font is used, notify the editorial board to this effect.
- • The manuscript should be structured in the following order: English title, author names in English, author affiliations in English, English abstract, keywords, the body, acknowledgment, references, and author information. The acknowledgment can be inserted between the body and references with a blank line above and below the acknowledgment.
- • In principle, figures and tables should be placed on the same page of the corresponding body text or the next page when possible. The figures or tables should be positioned at the top or the bottom of the page. However, there can be exceptions when they must be positioned right next to the corresponding part of the body text. The use of high-resolution images is recommended. Figures or tables, if possible, should be fitted to the width of one column. Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively in the caption. In-text citations should follow the format “ Figure 1...” or “... In Table 2 ...”
7. (Abstract)
Abstract must be written in English. A Korean abstract is not allowed.
8. (In-text citations)
● In-text citation of references should be made in the following manner. Attention should be paid to spaces between parentheses and the placement of periods.
Hong (1996) states that ... |
Hong & Lim (2009) find that ... |
Hong et al. (2018) agree that ... |
Krause & Braida (2004) verify that ... |
Bride et al. (2017) concluded that ... |
● If a relevant paper is cited in the body text after discussing the content, a citation should be made as follows:
... is the case (Hong, 1996). |
... is the case (Hong & Lim, 2009). |
... is the case (Hong et al., 2018). |
... is the case (Hong, 1996; Krause & Braida, 2004). |
● When multiple papers are cited, the following method is recommended. However, the method need not be followed if the references need to be presented in chronological order or for other reasons.
- 1) The references should be ordered by the first author’s name in alphabetical order.
- 2) The name of the author and the year of the cited paper should be separated by a comma ‘,’and multiple references should be separated by a semicolon ‘;’.
- 3) In the case of multiple papers written by the same author, separate them by a comma ‘,’. In the case of multiple papers published in the same year, distinguish them by adding letters such as a, b, and c to the year (e.g., Braun, 1980; Carlton et al., 2015; Jackson, 1800a, b; Lee & Kim, 2010).
● The page number of the reference should come after the year. In this case, the year and the page number should be separated by a coma ‘,’ and the page number should be preceded by ‘p.’. If multiple pages are cited, insert a hyphen ‘-’ between the first page and the last page (e.g., Lim, 1999, p. 15; Jeon et al., 2000, pp. 15-17).
● Sometimes papers co-authored by three or more authors are cited in the format as in “Johnson, Wilson, & Jackson (1999)” to show all authors; however, this journal prefers such references to be cited in the format “Johnson et al. (1999)” in the body text because detailed information is given in the References.
● Et al. originated from the Latin phrase et alii. The use of et al. has now become so common, as with i.e. (< id est) or e.g. (< exempli gratia), that it is not italicized.
● When previous works are mentioned in the body text, in principle, all of them should be presented. However, if for unavoidable reasons only some of them are cited, add the word “etc.” after the last reference (e.g., Fox & Terbeek, 1977; Zue, 1979, etc.). Expressions such as “among others,” “to name a few,” and “inter alia” may be used in English papers (e.g., Fox & Terbeek, 1977; Zue, 1979, among others).
● If a paper cites software, follow the citation format given by the software, as in the case of Praat. Published references such as instructions, user’s guides, or manuals should be cited in the same way as books. If there are no published references, the information related to the cited content should be presented in the body text or a footnote in the Research method section. If software published on the Internet without written documentation needs for unavoidable reasons to be cited, citation should be made in the same way as other references.
9. (Reference list)
The source of the works cited in a manuscript shall be provided in the list of references titled References. The references shall be listed by the last name of the first author in alphabetical order. Multiple papers written by the same author shall be listed by the publication year and papers with a sole author should be presented before co-authored papers. Works listed in the References shall be provided in the format below. All references must be written in English. References written in other languages must be translated into English.
Item |
Format and examples |
Author names |
Musk, E. R. (2014). Paper title ... Musk, E. R., & Hicks, J. R. (2011). Book title ... |
Capitalization |
✓ APA reference list capitalization: Major words should be capitalized for periodicals (journals, newspapers, magazines, and proceedings). Use sentence case capitalization for the rest. ✓ Major words: Words excluding conjunctions with three or fewer letters, articles, and prepositions. ✓ Sentence case capitalization: Capitalize the first letter of a sentence and proper nouns Musk, E. R. (2015). This is the paper title. Language and Speech, 10(2), 35-47. Hicks, J. (2017). This is a book title. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
Italicization |
Lyons, C. (1999). Definiteness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Denkowski, M., & Lavie, A. (2014, June). This is the paper title. In Proceedings of the ninth workshop on statistical machine translation (pp. 376-380). New York. |
Online resources |
Klimoski, R., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45(2), 10-36. R Core Team (2019). R: A language and environment for statistical computing (version 3.5.1) [Computer software]. Retrieved from |
Below are the examples of the formats for the References by the type of cited references. Details of the format are provided in the manuscript submission standard format of this journal.
Author, A. A. (year). Title of work (xx ed., Vol. xx). Location: Publisher.
Editor, A. A. (Ed.). (year). Title of work (xx ed., Vol. xx). Location: Publisher.
Author, A. A. (year). Title of work. In A. Editor, & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (xx ed., Vol. xx, pp. xx-xx). Location: Publisher.
Lyons, C. (1999). Definiteness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hirst, D., Di Cristo, A., & Espesser, R. (2013). Levels of representation and levels of analysis for intonation. In M. Horne (Ed.), Prosody: Theory and experiment (pp. 51-87). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Duffy, J. R. (2013). Motor speech disorders: Substrates, differential diagnosis, and management (3rd ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.
Journal papers
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Title of the paper. Title of the Periodical, volume(issue), page range.
Washio, R. (1997). Resultatives, compositionality and language variation. Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 6(1), 1-49.
Pagin, P., & Westerståhl, D. (2010). Compositionality I: Definitions and variants. Philosophy Compass, 5(3), 250-264.
Ingham, R. J., Warner, A., Byrd, A., & Cotton, J. (2006). Speech effort measurement and stuttering: Investigating the chorus reading effect. Journal of Speech Language Hearing Research, 9(3), 660-70.
Author, A. A. (year). Title of doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis (Doctoral dissertation or Master’s thesis). Name of Institution, Location.
Author, A. A. (year). Title of doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis (Doctoral dissertation or Master’s thesis). Retrieved from Name of database. (Accession or Order No.)
Clark, R. (2000). Machine recognition of segmental prosody (Doctoral thesis). University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Hull, L. S. (2014). The influences of speech sounds: An example case study (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from American Doctoral Dissertations. (37CDD15DS659E63F)
Conference papers
Author, A. A. (year, Month). Title of article. In Title of Proceedings (pp. xx-xx, Article number). Location.
Denkowski, M., & Lavie, A. (2014, June). Meteor universal: Language specific translation evaluation for any target language. In Proceedings of the ninth workshop on statistical machine translation (pp. 376-380). New York.
David, S. (2008). Speech and cultural evolution. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conferences on Speech Sciences (Vol. 108, pp. 3416-3420).
Santhanam, E., Martin, K., Goody, A., & Hicks, O. (2001, February). Bottom-up steps towards closing the loop in feedback on teaching: A CUTSD project. Paper presented at Teaching and Learning Forum - Expanding horizons in teaching and learning, Perth, Australia.
Other works
Boersma, P., & Weenink, D. (2019). Praat: Doing phonetics by computer (version 6.0.46) [Computer program]. Retrieved from
R Core Team (2019). R: A language and environment for statistical computing (version 3.5.1) [Computer software]. Retrieved from
[Working papers]
Garellek, M. (2011). The benefits of vowel laryngealization on the perception of coda stops in English. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 109, 34-37.
Klatt, D. H. (1984). The new MIT speech VAX computer facility. Speech Communication Group Working Papers IV, Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT, Cambridge, 73-82.
[Technical reports, written by an organization]
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health. (2003). Managing autism: A guide for elementary and secondary schools (NIH Publication No. 02-2649). Retrieved from aut.pdf
[Technical reports, written by author(s)]
Kessy, S., & Uriah, F. M. (2005). The foreign language policy in Angola (Research Report No. 06.2). Retrieved from African Language Resources website:
[Web documents]
Williams, J. (2010). Review of phonetics. Retrieved from
Adams, F. (1999). A novel method of noise reduction. The Online Journal of Acoustics.
Brody, J. E. (2007, December 11). Mental reserves keep brains agile. The New York Times. Retrieved from
* Give the DOI if the document is a pre-printed version or clear information on volume number, issue number, or page numbers is not available because the journal in which the document is published is online-only.
* For more detailed information about the APA style, see the following website:
10. (Author information)
Two blank lines shall be inserted between the References and the author information section. Author information shall be provided in the following order: the name of the author and authorship type, author affiliation and position (in English format if in English), address, phone number, email address, areas of interest, current position, and profile. Author names and authorship type should be in bold. Each author should be listed in the same order as on the first page of the paper. In the case of the corresponding author, add the expression “corresponding author” after the email address of the author in the footnote of the first page regardless of the number of authors. “Corresponding author” should also be added after the author name appears in the author information section, which is placed at the end of the manuscript.
11. (Review process)
Submitted manuscripts are reviewed according to the review guidelines and publication is decided by the editorial board. The editorial board may request that the submitter revise part of the manuscript or supplement it. The author shall accept reasonable comments or suggestions and revise the manuscript. Even if publication of the manuscript is confirmed, the editorial board can refuse to publish the manuscript if the author does not comply with the reasonable requests or demands of the editorial board. Reviewers perform double-blinded peer review of the submitted manuscripts. Neither the peer reviewers nor the authors are revealed to each other.
12. (Copyright)
Copyright of a published manuscript shall belong to the Language Education Institute at Seoul National University from the date when the publication was confirmed. All the authors of the manuscript shall enter their names and agree to the transfer of copyright when submitting the manuscript. However, the authors or their affiliations may use the submitted manuscript for a personal purpose or internal use for the affiliation unless it is to be used for a commercial reason.
13. (Open-access)
The Language Research is an open access journal distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.