The Syntax of Temporal Adverbial Clauses in Korean and Its Implications
Received: Jul 04, 2022 ; Revised: Aug 16, 2022 ; Accepted: Aug 23, 2022
Published Online: Aug 31, 2022
Haegeman (2012) argues, following Demirdache and Uribe-Etxebarria (2004), that when temporal adverbial clauses in English are essentially relative clauses that provide several pieces of evidence supporting it. In this paper, I examine the syntax of the Korean counterpart of when temporal clauses and point out that there is significant parallelism between Korean and English. Given the typological difference between the languages in question, this observation is significant and provides a novel piece of evidence in support of Haegeman’s and Demirdache and Uribe-Etxebarria’s analyses.